Natural solutions to ease joint pains

Natural solutions to help ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

These days, more mums are returning to work after having a baby, and many parents turn to their own parents for help with the kids.

Thus more seniors are having to help their children out by looking after the grand kids. Many parents say their parents are their first choice when it comes to childcare – the ones they trust the most.

Even though most grandparents adore their grandkids, they find it physically challenging, especially those with joint aches and pains.

If you have heard them crying “ouch!” when climbing the stairs or while they are playing with your children, or complaining about stiffness when trying to bend or straighten their knees, they may be suffering from osteoarthritis.

This is a condition characterised by the breakdown of joint cartilage. The cartilage cushions the ends of the bones and allows easy movement of joints.

The cartilage in the joint is important because it allows the joints to move smoothly and helps prevent friction between bones. However, as people approach middle age, they find themselves in a situation where their joint cartilage regrowth is unable to keep up with the rate of wear and tear.

When the joint cartilage wears out, it causes pain, inflammation and swelling – also known as osteoarthritis.

Self-help measures can reduce the stress on your joints and reduce the severity of osteoarthritis. Some of the measures that can be taken include:

– Losing weight to take pressure off the knees.

A new study shows that for each pound of body weight loss, there is a four-pound reduction in knee joint stress among overweight people with osteoarthritis, and the effects of this reduction of pressure on the knees should have a significant impact on the progression of osteoarthritis of the knee.

– Exercising regularly and keep moving. This helps to keep the joints working well, but it also important not to overexert the joints. – Supplementing with joint health nutrients. This helps cartilage regrowth and strengthens the worn-out cartilage.

Some of us will be aware of the role of glucosamine and chondroitin for relief of joint pains.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are found in the body, and they work by supplying the natural raw ingredients cartilage needs to repair and rebuild itself.

They also work by suppressing the natural enzymes that break down cartilage in the first place.

Besides glucosamine and chondroitin, it has been found that a natural form of sulphur found in living tissues, MSM, can also be useful for joint pain.

MSM delivers sulphur to the body in a useable way to help strengthen joint connective tissues.

Many developed nations across the globe such as the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, regularly observe positive results in the treatment of osteoarthritis when oral MSM supplements are added to glucosamine and chondroitin nutritional therapy.

Studies have also found that MSM helps to reduce stiffness and swelling, thus, reducing pain and improving flexibility.

So, if you are currently taking only glucosamine and chondroitin, you may be missing out on the synergistic benefits of MSM.

A combination of the three is currently in the market, and the Arthritis Foundation of America recommends starting it with a low dosage of 500mg twice a day and increasing gradually to 1,000mg twice a day.

After starting MSM, allow a reasonable period before you begin to notice any benefits.